The Importance of Mobile RecruitingFor many businesses, the processes of recruiting are much the same as they were twenty years ago. While the technology of almost every other aspect of business has changed drastically over time, many companies still fall back to the classic recruiting methods that have been in use for decades. This is the age of smartphones and tablets that allow you easy access to all types of information from anywhere in the world, so why haven’t companies stepped up the technology when it comes to recruiting?

Filling Positions Can Be Painful

One thing that everyone should understand is that the process for filling each open position is often a painful one. For every qualified applicant, recruiters receive dozens, perhaps hundreds, of applications from people who are not qualified in the least. Sorting through these stacks of papers can be overwhelming and tedious. Because of this, it’s surprising that many companies don’t employ the use of the available technology to help their search.

Application Processes

One area that has proven frustrating for many potential employees is the antiquated application processes used by many businesses. In this age of smartphones, potential hires are increasingly on the move when filling out applications for positions. When they log onto a company site to fill out an online application and find that it isn’t mobile-friendly, many will simply not bother with the application. While some may argue this is a good way to weed out employees that aren’t passionate about the job, many of your potential top-talent applicants simply won’t want to work for a company using ancient systems.

Benefits of Mobile Recruiting

While you are searching for great employees for your company, you will want to put your best foot forward to impress potential recruits. Utilizing mobile recruiting can help you do just that. There are several benefits to incorporating a mobile strategy to your recruiting practices.

  1. Better access for applicants

Providing better access for your potential recruits is a good way to increase the number of responses you will receive to a job posting, and that should make it much easier to fill that position with the perfect person for the job.

  1. Demonstrates a good grasp of technology

You want to look your best to potential applicants so you can attract the best talent. Using a mobile recruiting strategy will show potential recruits that your company is leading the way in technology, or at least, keeping pace. Companies that are tech leaders always tend to recruit the best talent, and by showing that your company believes in technology, you will recruit more talented applicants.

  1. Attracts better talent

The best talent is always on-the-go and constantly searching for the next best job. One of the best ways to attract this kind of talent is to open your search process up to the world of mobile devices. They will quickly be able to access your job listings and apply for positions they feel are a good match for them.  Of course, the downside is that these self-proclaimed movers and shakers may soon depart your company for better prospects.

If your company fails to use some of the newer mediums when searching for qualified applicants, you could be hurting your business. The most talented and goal-oriented people, the kind of folks that you want for your business, utilize these newer systems as part of their continued job search and are attracted to businesses that are tech savvy enough to employ them. If you want to attract the best people to your company, it may be time to rethink your recruiting policies and consider adopting the use of mobile systems, or risk being left behind in the race for the best and brainiest applicants.

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